Weekly News Review
Thursday, 12 May 2011 23:00 |
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Did Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-10th District, let the cat out of the bag on Republican plans to draw new congressional districts? This and other hot topics such as abortion and the state employees Health Plan are on the menu for discussion on the Weekly News Review. Two veteran reporters, Mark Binker of the Greensboro News-Record, and Bruce Ferrell of the NC News Network and WPTF News, join host Barlow Herget to review the news. One big subject is the proposed constitutional amendment that would change dramatically the governor's role in education policy and that of the state Board of Education. The panel also examines whether Governor Perdue has painted herself in a corner over the State Health Plan bill that she vetoed earlier and now comes back to her again, hardly changed. The Republicans' new limits on abortions were unveiled this week, too, and the group looks at the impact of the proposal.