On First Offense, Bullies Will Draw Suspension In New Cumberland County Policy PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 21 June 2012 15:32

FAYETTEVILLE, (AP) — The Cumberland County school board has approved a ban on bullying as part of the student code of conduct.

The Fayetteville Observer reported the addition encourages parents and students to report bullying incidents.
Sarah Williams says she's glad to see the addition. She says her daughter was and nothing was done until the girl was beaten by three other girls.  he says she is pressing charges against the girls.
Superintendent Frank Till Jr. says he can't talk about that case but hopes the addition to the policy will reduce bullying.
Students who bully can be suspended on first offense. The second offense can lead to a longer suspension for elementary students and reassignment to an alternative school for middle and high school students.
Last Updated on Thursday, 21 June 2012 15:32
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