People In Politics
Tuesday, 27 May 2014 07:55 |
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The legislature is hard at work, and so are the anti-Republican protesters, led for a second year by the North Carolina NAACP and other allied groups. But host Donna Martinez reports that this year, something is different with the protests. This year, Republican lawmakers are speaking out. You'll hear comments from state Reps. Paul Stam and Jim Fulgham of Wake County, and state Sen. Jim Davis of Macon County. As the session continues, scrutiny is most intense on House Speaker Thom Tillis, Republican of Mecklenburg County, as he juggles dual roles as House Speaker and U.S. Senate candidate. Matt Bales of the N.C. Free Enterprise Foundation talks with Martinez about Tillis' juggling act and why he's skating a fine line that could become fodder for his opponent's campaign. That's followed by comments about redrawing election districts with the leader of the Senate, Phil Berger of Rockingham County. Next is a look at developments in the 6th District GOP primary between Phil Berger, Jr. and Mark Walker. Endorsements and a difference in campaign style could determine the outcome, according to Rick Henderson of Carolina Journal. Henderson updates Martinez on the ad war in the U.S. Senate race as well. And finally, Democratic political consultant Thomas Mills tells Martinez what Tillis should expect from the Kay Hagan campaign, which enjoys the support of national independent groups and money.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 May 2014 07:56 |