People In Politics
Friday, 03 January 2014 08:52 |
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As 2014 begins, a slate of changes in North Carolina’s election law take effect. While the requirement to show a photo I.D. to vote – which doesn’t begin until 2016 – has gotten all the media attention, there are many other provisions of the law. Host Donna Martinez talks about the changes with one of the key legislators who shepherded the law through the General Assembly, Rep. David Lewis, chairman of the N.C. House Elections Committee. Martinez and Lewis discuss changes in campaign donation limits, the order of candidates on the ballot, the elimination of public financing for judicial campaigns, and more. Then Martinez provides details of a new job for former 2nd District Congressman Bob Etheridge, an administrative law judge’s ruling that the McCrory administration improperly fired a state ALE agent, and the reason that national Democrats and Republicans are focusing so intently on Sen. Kay Hagan’s re-election bid, And finally, Martinez talks with Democrat Jason Thigpen about his quest for the Democratic nomination for the 3rd District seat in the Congress. Thigpen is a former Republican who last year switched parties and is now seeking to unseat incumbent Republican Walter Jones.
Last Updated on Friday, 03 January 2014 10:04 |