People In Politics
Friday, 31 May 2013 13:19 |
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He’s been the subject of speculation for months, but this week, House Speaker Thom Tillis announced he will see the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Democrat Kay Hagan. People in Politics Correspondent Stephanie Hawco joins host Donna Martinez to discuss Tillis’ decisions, his fundraising prowess, potential primary challengers, and a pro-Tillis Super PAC that has been formed. Then the discussion turns to the federal trial of former Republican Rep. Stephen LaRoque of Kinston. Rick Henderson of Carolina Journal gives Martinez background on the case and discusses the high-profile attorney defending LaRoque on charges he used federal grant funds meant for an economic development nonprofit he ran for personal use and a lavish lifestyle for family members. That’s followed by new polling data from Public Policy Polling on the Hagan Senate race. Next are comments from two candidates for chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. The party will choose a chairman next week. Martinez revisits her recent conversations with Claude Pope and Jack Brosch. Then Barlow Herget of talks with Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin about his relationship with the Republican-led legislature and Republican governor following decades of Democrat Party control. Next up, 4th District Democratic Congressman David Price weighs in on gun violence and his ideas for preventing it, including expanding background checks for gun purchases. And finally, Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner gives a first-hand account of his encounter with former Vice President Dick Cheney, who is writing a book about his struggle with heart disease.
Last Updated on Friday, 31 May 2013 13:20 |