People in Politics - 1/28/2011 PDF Print E-mail
People In Politics
Friday, 28 January 2011 17:02

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North Carolina Republicans took control of the General Assembly this week as they savored the fruits of their November election victory.'s Josh Ellis joins host Donna Martinez to discuss the first political feud of the session, which saw Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton on the short end of the stick. That's followed by a look at the GOP's opposition from a variety of groups, including the N.C. NAACP. Then new N.C. GOP Chairman Robin Hayes explains his priorities for the state party and what he expects from his Democratic opposition. Then Martinez and's Mike Davis discuss new polling about the 2012 presidential race and Gov. Perdue's rise in the polls. Finally, the State of the Union address featured a "we are the world" moment as members of Congress from opposing parties sat together in a show of unit. Was it all for show, or was it real? Martinez discusses the SOTU with Rick Martinez, news director for the N.C. News Network and NewsRadio 680 WPTF.

Last Updated on Friday, 22 April 2011 10:33
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