People In Politics
Friday, 17 September 2010 15:43 |
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Can Democrats retain control of the North Carolina House of Representatives? Legislative analyst Chris Hayes of the Civitas Institute joins host Donna Martinez to discuss which Democratic and Republican House incumbents are on the bubble, and the political dynamics at play in the dozen or so seats that will decide which party controls the House next year.
Then veteran Democratic political strategist Gary Pearce offers an unvarnished view of the political landscape for Democrats as the party faces a cycle that could put Republicans in control of the U.S. Congress and the North Carolina General Assembly. Pearce also provides a preview of his upcoming book about former Gov. Jim Hunt.
That's followed by a look at concerns over Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), the process the state will use to determine the winner of the North Carolina Court of Appeals seat vacated by Judge Jim Wynn. Thirteen candidates are running for the seat and IRV will be implemented if one fails to achieve a majority of the votes cast. Joyce McCloy of the North Carolina Coalition for Verified Voting says the process may lead to serious problems. She explains her concerns to Martinez.
Then former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr talks about his view of nonpartisan judicial races. And finally, Martinez explains the constitutional amendment that will appear on the Nov. 2 ballot concerning whether convicted felons should be allowed to serve as a North Carolina sheriff.
Last Updated on Monday, 04 April 2011 10:33 |