People In Politics
Friday, 13 August 2010 15:21 |
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Host Donna Martinez talks with North Carolina Court of Appeals Judge Barbara Jackson about her run for a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court. Judge Jackson, who faces off against fellow Court of Appeals Judge Robert Hunter in November, discusses her judicial philosophy, background, and reason for running for the high court.
Then the subject turns to the fundraising race by state legislators and the state's two major political parties. John Rustin of the North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation analyzes second quarter campaign finance reports and talks about which legislators have the most on hand and the role the parties play in the process.
Then North Carolina News Network News Director Rick Martinez discusses the flap over state Board of Elections chairman Larry Leake and executive director Gary Bartlett.
And finally, bestselling author Ron Kessler talks with Donna Martinez about the Secret Service and what he learned from agents about the defense of the president and First Family when he interviewed them for his new book.
Last Updated on Monday, 04 April 2011 10:35 |