Miller discusses proposed Medicare changes PDF Print E-mail
SGR Exclusive
Monday, 02 May 2011 19:00

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Congressman Brad Miller, a Democrat from Raleigh, tells host Barlow Herget that the proposed Medicare changes in Rep. Paul Ryan's, R-Wisc., budget will mean future recipients will spend half their incomes on medical care in the future.  Miller is getting an earful from constituents on Ryan's attempt to cut the deficit by abolishing the current Medicare system by replacing it with "vouchers" that recipients can use to buy private medical insurance. Miller, a member of an environmental subcommittee, also describes how a hearing on global warming backfired on Republicans trying to show that climate change was a hoax.  He is a member of the Financial Services Committee, too, and he criticizes the Obama Administration's lack of legal action against Wall Street bankers who defrauded clients before the 2008 crash.

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