People in Politics March 12, 2016 PDF Print E-mail
People In Politics
Friday, 11 March 2016 06:58

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It’s here! Primary Election Day is Tuesday, March 15. All eyes are on North Carolina and our impact on the presidential race, but big races also on the ballot include multiple Council of State races, key legislative primaries, and a $2 billion bond referendum. This week, we offer listeners once last chance to hear the Democratic and Republican primary candidates for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Richard Burr. You’ll  hear from Democrats Kevin Griffin, Ernest Reeves, Chris Rey, and Deborah Ross as they talk with host Donna Martinez about their background and what distinguishes them from their opponents. You’ll also hear comments from Republicans Larry Holmquist and Greg Brannon – two of the four Republicans on the ballot. Richard Burr and Paul Wright did not respond to our request for interviews. Then we turn to the fascinating race to replace outgoing state Treasurer Janet Cowell, a Democrat. We talked with the two Democrats seeking their party’s nomination – Dan Blue III and Ron Elmer – and you’ll hear excerpts from those interviews in which they talk about state spending on investment professionals. And finally, Martinez gets the latest on endorsements and ads in the Democratic primary for Lt. Governor, from Rick Henderson of Carolina Journal. The two also discuss fundraising numbers in the U.S. Senate race, presidential polling numbers in North Carolina, and two key legislative races that could portend the future of House Speaker Tim Moore.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 16:24
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