People In Politics
Friday, 08 March 2013 11:00 |
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Republican leaders in the General Assembly announced plans this week to move a bill that would require a photo I.D. to vote in North Carolina. The plan was met with intense criticism from Democrats and allied groups. People in Politics Correspondent Stephanie Hawco provides both sides of the debate. That’s followed by comments from Republican Rep. David Lewis of Harnett County, who is helping lead the House effort on the bill. Lewis lays out the House plan and discusses continued opposition to the plan, and comments on how the GOP will address those North Carolinians who don’t have a photo I.D. Then we hear from members of the Legislative Black Caucus, who allege that Republicans are engaging in a war on the poor and vulnerable. Next, host Donna Martinez talks with Elon University Poll Director Ken Fernandez about polling on Gov. Pat McCrory, the state legislature, and key issues of voter ID and immigration. Fernandez also provides data on President Obama’s job approval in the state he lost to Mitt Romney. Next is a look at key arguments in the legal case over North Carolina’s election maps. Barlow Herget of talks with redistricting expert Bill Gilkeson Jr., who was in court recently as attorneys for Democrats argued against the maps and attorneys for Republicans argued for the maps. Then we turn to comments made by Gov. Pat McCrory this week after meeting with the Metro Mayors Coalition, a group he co-founded when he was mayor of Charlotte. And finally, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest talks about his priorities before a luncheon audience at the John Locke Foundation, a free market think tank in Raleigh.
Last Updated on Friday, 15 March 2013 09:28 |