Weekly News Review
Friday, 16 September 2011 06:00 |
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Host Barlow Herget and capital reporters Cullen Browder of WRAL-TV and SGRToday.com's Josh Ellis review the stories behind the controversial constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. And what happened to all those other amendments? President Obama gets enthusiastic welcome at NCSU's Reynolds Coliseum, and what's going to happen to North Carolina's public financing system for appellate court judges if a lawsuit filed this week reaches the US Supreme Court? |
Weekly News Review
Thursday, 08 September 2011 23:00 |
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They're still talking about the weather but this time it's damage costs. And what's going to happen when the General Assembly reconvenes a third time, this time to consider constitutional amendments including a ban on gas marriage. Will it be approved? And why did Superior Court Judge Howard Manning tell legislative leaders to get off the sidewalk because they have no standing in his decision on pre-kindergarten funding? Tune in and hear Greensboro News & Record's Mark Binker and SGRToday.com's Josh Ellis answer these questions with host Barlow Herget. |
Weekly News Review
Thursday, 01 September 2011 23:00 |
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Hurricane Irene's aftermath will reach hundreds of millions of dollars in cost, especially from devastated farm crops, according the host Barlow Herget's guests on the Weekly News Review. Pat Gannon of the Wilmington Star-News and Josh Ellis of SGRToday.com join Herget to look at Irene's damage, the government's response, and Irene's impact on Governor Perdue's political profile. Meanwhile, this week's news signaled the upcoming fight over a proposed constitutional amendment to ban homosexual marriages. |
Weekly News Review
Thursday, 25 August 2011 23:00 |
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Where were you when the earthquake shook North Carolina and most of the East Coast? AP reporter Gary Robertson and SGRToday.com's Josh Ellis review the big stories with host Barlow Herget. Shakin' but no breakin' for the most part in North Carolina from the 5.8 scale earthquake. Preparations for Hurricane Irene and underway for Saturday landfall on the Outer Banks. Governor Perdue, mindful of tourist dollars' impact on the coast, encourages people to keep their plans about visiting North Carolina after this brief inconvenience. Duke Energy and Progress Energy shareholders approve a merger of the two power houses that goes to state Utilities Commission Sept. 20, and the panel discusses whether this year's local elections are going to be a preview of 2012. |