People in Politics April 30, 2016 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 29 April 2016 06:27 |
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North Carolina’s controversial voter I.D. law IS constitutional. That’s the ruling handed down this week by federal Judge Thomas Schroeder, who rejected charges of discrimination and disenfranchisement made by critics of House Bill 589. The election reform law was passed by the General Assembly in 2013 and signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory. In a 485-page ruling, Judge Schroeder outlines why critics failed to prove their allegations about voting law changes, most especially the provision that a photo I.D. is required to vote in North Carolina. Reaction was swift, with legislative leaders and the governor praising the ruling and the NAACP rejecting it. You’ll hear comments from Rev. William Barber, head of the North Carolina NAACP and from case attorney Irving Joyner. Then host Donna Martinez analyzes the ruling with Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson. The two discuss several other provisions of the law that garnered criticism such as a ban on out of precinct voting. That’s followed by a look at the continuing controversy over House Bill 2, which overturned Charlotte’s controversial bathroom ordinance. National criticism has been directed toward the governor and the legislature. You’ll hear the governor discuss the law and his view that criticism is unfounded and hypocritical. Next is a look at the No. 1 priority for the state legislature, which reconvened in Raleigh this week. State Budget Director Andrew Heath addressed legislators about the state’s economic landscape as they prepare to negotiate the new state operating budget. And then we turn to presidential politics. In an election year known for kicking conventional politics to the curb, yet another unusual event this week. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz announced his vice presidential running mate, businesswoman Carly Fiorina – but he’s not yet the nominee himself. Martinez gets reaction from Rick Martinez, vice president of news and information for Curtis Media Group. The two discuss whether Cruz’s move is brilliant new strategy or a desperate last-ditch attempt to keep Donald Trump from securing the nomination. They also analyze controversy over the role of super delegates who will likely give Democrat Hillary Clinton her party’s nomination over Bernie Sanders.
Last Updated on Thursday, 05 May 2016 08:41 |