People in Politics February 13, 2016 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 12 February 2016 07:13 |
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This week, suspense and intrigue over the legality of North Carolina’s congressional districts and the possible impact on the state’s March 15 primary election. Host Donna Martinez talks with Rick Henderson of Carolina Journal about the possible outcomes from the U.S. Supreme Court, which is reviewing a request from state officials for a stay of a federal court ruling that says congressional districts 1 and 12 must be redrawn since they were formed using race as a key factor. Henderson analyzes the possibilities in light of the fact that thousands of absentee ballots have already been requested and hundreds of votes already have been cast. The two also discuss the debate over debates in the U.S. Senate race, television ads against 2nd District Congresswoman Renee Ellmers, endorsements in the state Treasurer’s race, and a High Point University poll of the presidential race in North Carolina. Then Martinez talks with Democratic Treasurer candidate Dan Blue III about his run for the seat. Blue tells Martinez how he sees the differences between himself and his Democratic opponent Ron Elmer, as well as his differences with Republican candidate Dale Folwell. Blue explains his approach to managing state pension investments and the state health plan. Then Martinez provides a campaign fundraising update and tells why Vice President Joe Biden was in North Carolina this week.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 March 2016 20:56 |