People in Politics January 9, 2016 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 08 January 2016 06:54 |
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This week, a bipartisan political powerhouse gathered for the official kickoff of the campaign to convince voters to approve a $2 billion infrastructure bond that will appear on the March 15 primary ballot. You’ll hear Gov. Pat McCrory explain what’s in the bond and the fiscal implications for the state, Republican House Speaker Tim Moore of Cleveland County talk about the bipartisan nature of the bond, and Democratic Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue of Wake County discuss the impact of the projects on distressed areas. But not everyone thinks taking on bond debt is a good idea. While the pro-bond campaign got underway, a group of grassroots conservative activists set up shop online to encourage North Carolinians to vote no. Host Donna Martinez talks to the organizer of the anti-bond campaign, Nicole Revels. The two discuss the petition Revels is spearheading and the uphill battle the activists face in communicating their message statewide. The bond wasn’t the only subject that dominated the week’s political talk. President Obama injected gun control into the presidential race with executive actions that will tighten the rules on who can sell and own a gun. You’ll hear the president’s rebuke of politicians who oppose his move. In North Carolina, the president’s action has already impacted the U.S. Senate race. Martinez gets the details about Democratic Senate candidate Chris Rey’s reaction to the president from Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson. The two also discuss the broader implications of gun control on politics and elections, as well as a North Carolina visit from Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, and a new appointment to the state Board of Elections.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 13:47 |