People in Politics January 2, 2016 |
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People In Politics |
Wednesday, 30 December 2015 10:46 |
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As we say goodbye to 2015, political analysts are eyeing the impact of actions by the Republican majority in the General Assembly on the 2016 election cycle, and the subsequent messaging by state Republicans and Democrats as each party seeks to spin 2015 to their benefit. Host Donna Martinez delves into the tug-of-war and its political implications at the ballot box with Rick Henderson of Carolina Journal. The two also discuss the latest from the campaign trail, where key primary matchups have emerged in legislative seats held by retiring Sens. Tom Apodaca (District 48) and Fletcher Hartsell (District 36) and in House District 36, where Republican incumbent Nelson Dollar has drawn a primary challenger. With roughly one-third of legislative races having only one candidate, Martinez and Henderson talk about whether the lack of competition should be a concern. Then Martinez continues her conversations with candidates seeking to become the state’s next Treasurer. Democratic incumbent Janet Cowell is retiring, leaving Democrats trying to defend the seat and Republicans seeking to gain a seat on the Council of State, where Democrats remain dominant. Martinez has already spoken with Democratic candidate Ron Elmer, who faces fellow Democrat Dan Blue III in the March primary. This week she talks with the lone Republican in the race: former Forsyth County legislator Dale Folwell, who recently resigned his position with the state Department of Commerce. The two discuss why Folwell is running and how his background as a legislator, local school board member, and McCrory administration official may guide him as Treasurer.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 13:46 |