People in Politics - 7/30/11 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 29 July 2011 23:00 |
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. The General Assembly adjourned this week’s session after high political drama that featured successful Republican overrides of vetoes issued by Gov. Beverly Perdue. Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson analyzes key override votes on bills that touch issues as diverse as abortion, regulatory reform, administration of the Employment Security Commission, and medical malpractice reform. Some of the override votes saw Democrats joining Republicans. He also explains the political dynamics at play in the Republicans’ unsuccessful attempt to override Perdue’s veto of the voter identification legislation. Henderson also talks about the federal prison sentence of former Mike Easley aide Ruffin Poole, as well as comments to Newsweek by heiress Bunny Mellon about former Sen. John Edwards. Then Tom Jensen of the Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling reports the latest results of polls assessing President Obama, Gov. Perdue, and legislative Republicans. That’s followed by a look at political history with former N.C. Attorney General and Secretary of State Rufus Edmisten. Thirty-eight years ago this month, Edmisten, who worked for Democratic Sen. Sam Ervin on the Watergate committee, delivered the subpoena to President Richard Nixon for the infamous White House tapes. Edmisten recalls the constitutional crisis and behind-the-scenes politics. Then former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory discusses his political support, as evidenced in recent polling, should he decide to challenge Gov. Perdue for the state’s top job. And finally, House Speaker Pro Tem Dale Folwell, R-Forsyth, assesses the work of legislative Republicans and the need to stabilize the State Health Plan. |