Cal Cunningham Running For Lt. Governor Print
The Campaign Trail
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Friday, 11 January 2019 10:59
Cal Cunningham announced his canidacy for North Carolina Lieutenant Governor.
As a state Senator, he championed smaller class sizes, higher teacher pay, increased university and community college funding and the creation of pre-K education. He was a leading advocate for landmark clean air legislation, land preservation, and campaign finance reform. 
He currently serves as Vice President, General Counsel of WasteZero, a
Raleigh-based waste reduction company focused on 21 st century environmental issues.
A veteran of active duty Army tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Cunningham volunteered for the
United States Army Reserve in the days after September 11, 2001 and is the recipient of the
Bronze Star and the General Douglas MacArthur Medal for his service. He continues to train
special forces at Fort Bragg and has been selected for promotion to Lt. Colonel in the Army
As Lt. Governor, Cunningham will represent a new generation of leadership. He will work with
Roy Cooper and the legislature on the most pressing issues of our time: climate change, support
for public education, criminal justice reform, access to quality, affordable health care and the
rising costs of college. As a native of North Carolina’s western piedmont, he is uniquely
positioned to bridge North Carolina’s urban-rural divide to ensure that the new economy works
for everyone.
He is married to Elizabeth Kolb Cunningham, an attorney and Education Policy consultant. They
have two teenage children, Caroline and Will.