CBS Poll: President Obama's Job Approval Sits At 43 Percent Print
The Campaign Trail
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Monday, 31 March 2014 05:23

RALEIGH, ( - Seven months before Americans head to the ballot box and a key indicator of public sentiment -- the president's job approval -- is signaling trouble ahead for Democrats. 

The latest CBS poll shows President Obama's job approval is just 43 percent. While that number is up two points from the January level, it is down five points from December.
CBS analysis of the poll also shows the president's ratings on specific issues "remain mostly negative." 
Political pundits say the 2014 election cycle has the marks of the 2010 cycle, when Republicans did well amid frustration over the Affordable Care Act and fiscal issues. Today, the Affordable Care Act remains unpopular -- 53 percent disapprove -- and Republicans remain angry over the $17 trillion U.S. debt, which continues to rise.
Democrats remain hopeful that improvements in the functionality of will be a salve to the unpopularity of the health care law, and an improving economy will improve their chances at the ballot box.
Non-presidential election years are notorious for hurting the political party in charge of the White House, particularly during second presidential terms. 
Last Updated on Monday, 31 March 2014 05:23