Hagan Campaign E-Mail: $89,861 Left To Raise In March Print
The Campaign Trail
By Administrator   
Monday, 17 March 2014 12:06

RALEIGH, (SGRToday.com) - A fundraising e-mail from Sen. Kay Hagan's campaign is asking recipients to donate $5 to help the campaign reach its FEC deadline goal of $150,000.

The note, sent under the signature of John Coady, Finance Director, Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc., reports $60,139 raised so far in March, leaving $89,861 left to raise to meet an FEC deadline goal of $150,000.
"We still have time to reach our goal -- but not much. Can you chip in $5 to help?" asks the donation pitch.
"The Koch brothers are working their wallets off against Kay. They've spent $8.3 million so far -- making Kay their #1 target in the country.
Kay's had a lot of attacks coming her way lately and there are more on the horizon. And since the special interests know she's against their anti-middle class agenda, we can be sure they'll throw everything but the kitchen sink at Kay."
The e-mail says it is "Paid for By Hagan for US Senate, Inc."
Last Updated on Monday, 17 March 2014 12:07