Half Of Raleigh's Workforce Will Get A Raise Print
State Government
By Donna Martinez   
Tuesday, 07 February 2017 16:29
The City of Raleigh is moving forward a market-based compensation system for its employees. More than half the city’s workforce, 2,101 positions, will get a raise according to City Manager Ruffin Hall. 
The salary increases will take effect April 1, and cost the City approximately $1.8 million in the current fiscal year. 
Market data shows Raleigh Police and Fire personnel – particularly in entry level positions – are paid significantly below the target market rate. Nearly 1,200 of the 2,101 positions identified for mid-year salary increase are in public safety. Highlights include:
The starting salary for sworn police officers will increase to $40,000, nearly a 13.25 percent increase;


Police Officers, First Class Officers, and Master Officers will receive up to a 13.25 percent mid‐year increase; and,


Entry level firefighters will receive up to a 10 percent mid-year increase.


There are nearly 1,000 positions outside of Police and Fire that will receive a mid-year salary increase between two percent and four percent based on the following criteria:
Significant (15 percent or greater) misalignment with the market (more than 300 positions affected);


Positions with unusually high turnover (nearly 400 positions effected); and,


Positions that fall below the newly established Living Wage of $28,621 annually (215 positions affected).
“The decision to provide mid-year salary increases represents an immediate and meaningful commitment to the City’s workforce in the context of a broader initiative,” Hall said. “The current compensation structure is dated, confusing, and doesn’t completely reflect the market. In short, making improvements to our entire compensation system are long overdue - and it's the right thing to do.”
It had been 13 years since the City last performed a comprehensive market analysis.