People in Politics December 15, 2012 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 21 December 2012 15:35 |
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Gov.-Elect Pat McCrory gets busy. At a news conference, McCrory recaps his general goals for quality, customer service, and ethics in government, and then introduces three key appointments. You’ll hear McCrory’s comments, as well as remarks from the three key executive appointees. They are Chief of Staff Thomas Stith, a former Durham city councilman; Secretary of Health and Human Services Aldona Wos, former ambassador to Estonia; and S ecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources John Skvarla, a Raleigh businessman and environmentalist. Then we delve into Gov. Perdue’s appointment of Court of Appeals Judge Cheri Beasley to the North Carolina Supreme Court. Rick Martinez gets a profile and assessment of Beasley from former Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr. Then host Donna Martinez talks about the future of North Carolina Democrats with veteran consultant and Jim Hunt aide Gary Pearce. He also assesses Gov. Perdue’s last several weeks in office, in which she has butted heads with Republicans. Martinez continues the discussion of Perdue’s activities – including the possibility she will pardon convicted criminals before leaving office – with Becki Gray of the John Locke Foundation, who has watched Perdue in action as governor and legislator.
Last Updated on Monday, 11 February 2013 14:12 |