People in Politics - 9/17/11 |
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People In Politics |
Friday, 16 September 2011 23:00 |
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. State legislators have voted to put on the May 2012 ballot an amendment to North Carolina’s constitution that will define marriage as between one man and one woman. Rick Henderson, managing editor of Carolina Journal, joins host Donna Martinez to explain the behind the scenes political action related to the amendment, as well as updates on three amendments that some thought would be addressed but which didn’t make it out of the legislature: eminent domain, change in makeup of the state Board of Education, and term limits for legislative leaders. Then we turn to visits to our state this week by President Obama and Vice President Biden. Mike Davis, host of North Carolina’s Evening News and Rick Martinez, news director for, the North Carolina News Network, and NewsRadio 680 WPTF in Raleigh, join Donna Martinez to analyze the politics of the visits, the recent debates featuring Republican presidential candidates, John Edwards’ legal victory, former Congressman Bob Etheridge’s new state job, and the latest on undeclared gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory. That’s followed by the latest polling data from Tom Jensen of Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling. Jensen explains why President Obama would not win North Carolina today and why Gov. Perdue wouldn’t be re-elected if the election were held today. He also assesses President Obama’s weaknesses with independents and the Democratic Party base. Then Sarah Ovaska of N.C. Policy Watch provides an update on her reporting about Republican Rep. Stephen LaRoque’s work with economic development nonprofit groups. And finally, Rep. Bryan Holloway, R-Rockingham and Stokes, comments on his role in the General Assembly under Republican leadership, the state budget, the prospect of an independent redistricting commission, and education reform. |